Friday, December 4, 2015

The Joy of Killing: Cease Fire

It broke His heart.. .

As a young person coming of age, physical confrontation was an inevitable rites of passage. I wasn't a fighter per se but there were times when I had to or chose to knuckle up....I met both defeat and victory. 

While the reasons for engagement were often nebulous, they were always fair because neither I nor my occasional adversary concealed any weaponry beyond our own physical and tactical capabilities.

As years passed, I grew weary, even fearful when disputes swirled. Why? The rules of fighting had shifted, fists and knuckling up steadily ceased being chosen tools of engagement. Use of physicality and outsmarting one's opponent quickly gave way to brandishing guns and using trigger fingers. In short cowardice found courage shadowed behind cold steel. The rites of passage marks of busted lips, bruised egos or black eyes gave way to bullet wounds, bloodshed and boxed bodies. 

Conflict, once ending in mutual respect or an unstated understanding is now militarized. Mirroring the militarism of America the greatest superpower - 
the mediator of choice became war. Handguns and semiautomatic weapons were now negotiators of peace, practicing a deadly diplomacy. 

Looking back, the few instances leading to me knuckling up were reasoned by insecurity, ignorance and an immersed infantility. I'm grateful for surviving those moments...because now countless are numbered and celebrated collateral damage of conflict. 

Has the citizenry become wanton imitators? Mimicking revered armed forces and an anemic legislature who bullies and belittles anyone with whom disagreement arises – declaring war against and death to – while pulling the triggers of registered and unregistered silencers of peace!

Even a cursory glance at the number of people killed by gun violence reveals a national disregard for human life. Murder is our accepted way of life – from the discovery and founding of our Nation to the national celebration of the assassinations of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein to law enforcement murdering citizens to the terrorist acts on school and college campuses to homicides to politicians choosing to support the NRA versus passing laws for the safety of its citizens to the glorifying of murder in action movies to the vividly calculated murders on video games, and the joy of killing list goes on and on...

We have become so numb to human beings pulling triggers that release
incendiary powder-filled brass – into tender human, God-created souls –
with the intent to sear, debilitate and kill.

Could it be that cowardice has successfully redefined winning at conflict,
means one must murder?

I remain weary, even fearful when disputes swirl and conflict festers because the rules have changed...

I do not want to continue bearing witness as people die from confrontations most likely born of insecurity, ignorance and an immersed infantility. 

The winning has to cease fire!!!

 “The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made humans... It broke His heart.” (Genesis 6:5–6)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Courage: Christians, White Supremacy and Healing

Read this reflection then view video below

Discussions on race and white supremacy will continue to be difficult until both Black and white people realize they are infected by the disease of white supremacy.

While the disease impacts each VERY differently, the humanity of both continues to be debilitated as this corrosive evil denies the omnipresent God within Black people who like white people are created in the image of God.

To dismantle the ravages of this disease (white supremacy), it will take courage from white Christians to do some soul searching and began to reevaluate their understanding of God, Jesus and the Gospel. All too often "well meaning" white Christians – even clergy sound more like a political party than the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus doesn't accept injustice enacted against God's creation, Jesus doesn't sleep with and isn't in cahoots with the Empire!  Jesus doesn't attempt to gain favor with the political or powerful oligarchs; rather, Jesus disrupts and challenges their actions and points them to the Kingdom of God!

Jesus' purpose (salvation plan) isn't to leave people dreaming about a heaven in the sky while living in hell on earth – Jesus modeled his intention – "thy (God's) will be done on earth as it is in heaven".  Do Christians believe that God's heaven is racially divided? Will God have lesser kingdoms in heaven for the poor and oppressed? Will God have a portion of heaven for people having darker pigmentation or those in lesser white robes to dwell?

Seemingly, God works through those who believe in a Gospel of inclusiveness to bring about love, justice, mercy, grace and a restored Hope in God. God created human beings in the image of God with the purpose of Oneness. We the human family were destined to live entangled in the oneness of love – loving God and each other in Shalom. Shalom meaning peace but more importantly the absence of war, the absence of injustice, and the absence of violence (spiritual, physical, emotional).

Yet, this oneness is evidently anemic in the church, in culture and throughout society.

Certainly, anyone even with limited awareness knows we live in a divided world of despair vs, prosperity, white vs. Black, rich vs. poor, white privilege vs. discarded, Christian vs. Muslim, American vs, Other, Christopher Columbus vs. Terrorist, quality education vs. denied education, prison vs. college, and minimum wage vs. the top 1%, among others.

How do Christians reconcile this world with the one Jesus speaks? Jesus says: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10).

The continued silence of Christians on issues of
 oppression and white supremacy emboldens the thief.

While it's normative (in American culture) to accept that Christopher Columbus discovered "occupied land" but once reevaluated and examined, its validity is rejected as a lie. Thus, everyone is challenged to embrace the truth that Native people (already residents of the land) were terrorized and are victims of genocide. Hence, "the thief" is exposed limiting the ability to kill, steal and destroy people (the image of God).

If all people are created in the image of God, through evaluating how we love and treat one another, we discover that we are often an enemy – a murderer of God.  As we are awakened, hatred and vitriol against Blacks and other people groups ceases and becomes unacceptable because it's not of God! 

How can we say we follow and love Jesus, when we participate in, 
condone and even promote systems that oppress people 
(created by God in the image of God) whom God loves?

So why will it take courage from white Christians? Admitting the existence of a pernicious system of which one is a willing or unwilling benefactor is borne only through courage. Furthermore, courage is imperative to expose the system of white supremacy and requires reexamining history and the Gospel from the margins versus from privilege.

For instance, how would one understand: "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" (Declaration of Independence), if you were a Black person and it's illegal for you to vote and you are are denied access to home ownership (even present day attempts continue to circumvent said Rights)?

Upon reading Jesus say: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family,*you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40, 31-45), how would one respond to issues of race, poverty, and justice (i.e. prison industrial complex) in a society that "thingafies" Black people and poor people as monsters and takers, thereby labeling them the Least of our great Union?

To experience Shalom – not just peace – but the absence of war/injustice, courage is required and   re-imagining the world through God's point of view.  If white Christians are stirred by courage, the disease of white supremacy can be cured/eradicated resulting with Black people, Brown people, Native people, White people, Yellow people – all people healed and restored in the image of God, [perfect(ed) love].

In wrestling with how to address polarizing issues such as: racism, white supremacy and injustice, our challenge is to question presuppositions both historical and biblical - then have the resolve to correct our previous miseducation.  As each of us search ourselves, my prayer is that we develop the courage to work toward fulfillment of the Amos 5:24 vision:

But let justice roll down like waters,
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

If we fail to develop courage – the image of God is endangered!

“Courage, do not stumble…
Perish policy and cunning,
Perish all that fears the light!
Whether losing, whether winning,
Trust in God and do the right.
Trust no party, sect, or faction;
Trust no leaders in the fight;
Put in every word or action…

Trust in God, trust in God,
Trust in God and do the right.

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Friday, September 4, 2015

Loveless Politics: Christians Beware

I'm not a politician and I'm not the perfect Christ follower...yet I do believe that politics has an important role in our society and Christians are to be careful how we engage politically. 

As a believer in Jesus the basis of my worldview is; grounded in the fact, that God inspired by love created Human Beings and Nature – endowing them with Her same inherent desire to Love and embody said Love for God and All of Creation. 

What troubles me is that too many professing Christian politicians and leaders (of ALL political parties) actively support policies diametrical to the Gospel and the nature of God as related throughout the metanarrative of the Bible. For example throughout Scripture: the foreigner (immigrant) is welcomed, the criminal (murderers to felons) is rehabilitated, the prostitute is restored, the victims (of political and ecclesial injustice) are rescued, and the causes (the people-systems) of social and political malfeasance are exposed.

Conversely, whether heard on CNN, Fox, MSNBC or via a stump speech, politicians (including Christians) ardently practice demonization of the people effected by their policies and decisions (i.e. planned-maintained poverty, food insecurity, creating permanent underclass, violence, war on drugs, distressed familial systems, etc.). Unfortunately, these politicians (and their supporters) choose to continually exploit the suffering and oppressed (often a result of unjust laws/policies). 

Perhaps, the worse outcome of loveless politics/politicians is well-meaning followers/supporters like sheep following wolves cloaked in deception become mere fodder for the advancement of the politician/the political party. Thereby scathing and diminishing the image of God within the supporters and stifling their ability to love as God has created us to love. 

Christians must beware when we equate loveless political policies and politicians with Jesus/with God that:

if love is absent, if equity is absent, if compassion is absent
so is Jesus – so is God

For Jesus followers our understanding of love is to be our North Star in all our decisions. Particularly when it seems politicians and leaders (Christians included) attempt to lead us to exalt political parties and ambitions above loving God and neighbor. We must remember – our politics are to be shaped and inspired by Jesus and the nature of God! 

We mustn’t forget Jesus entered the Temple not in the name of party or politician but because there was an absence of love, equity and compassion. Jesus demanded justice and overturned tables because politics led to corruption and the absence of Love for All.  (John 2:15 – 16)

As politics continue to take front stage, my prayer is that those of us professing Jesus as Lord cease to elevate the Democratic, Independent, Republican and Tea parties above Jesus Christ. Not one of these parties can claim comprehensive values inspired by Love for God and others, so why should we lose our faith in support of "our" party or in support of "our" politicians? 

 ”But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin."
 James 2:9

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"Tear the Roof Off the Sucker!"

Is it time for the Christian Community to act in ways consistent with Jesus Christ i.e., lovingly and courageously rejecting the mores and values of the world as it is currently constituted? Perhaps, in the words of Parliament’s George Clinton, the time has come for followers of Jesus to:

"Tear the roof off, we're gonna tear the roof off the mother, sucker
Tear the roof off the sucker"

We understand voting is foundational to the political process of American Democracy and is the means through which our lives are ordered and shaped. Yet, is it possible that the System in which we live makes the voting process and our society stumbling blocks to our living faithful lives for Jesus Christ? It seems:

Every year and with every vote we face false choices. . .

If Jesus is Lord of our Life, the question the Christian voter asks – Does my vote express the values and purpose espoused by Jesus? However, for every believer in Jesus (whose concern is restoring God-centered order of harmony and provision for ALL of creation) this is a conundrum because neither democrats nor republicans are representative of Jesus’ "Other-Worldness". Both parties wield power over the people and support and develop policies to maintain the System of imperialism (the ruling over lesser subjects).

But Jesus plainly states there is a distinction in praxis between He and the leaders of this world:

"Jesus answered, "My Kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my followers would 
fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. 
But my Kingdom is not of this world."" (John 18:36)

""My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD.
"And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine." (Isaiah 55:8)

Thus, as we vote for the lesser of Evil, we might begin engagement of another question/solution like Jesus did – How can I/we overturn the current "Democratic" System of oppression and enact God's reign of Peace, Justice, Mercy, Equity, and Love for All?

If we say we follow Jesus and Love God with all our heart, mind and soul – Can we continue to silently participate in a System that subverts the nature and nurture of God which is Love? Any true expression of love is shared power. Power wielded over and against is not an expression of love, conversely it is an act of hatred and abuse. To rightly understand power expressed through love and compassion, let's look to Jesus:

The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:22-23)

While voting is important overturning the System that is inconsistent with the values and purpose of Jesus Christ is even more essential. How do we expect "God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven" when we are complicit in strengthening the System which is contrary to God's will?

If we are to tear the roof off the sucker (System of oppression), our challenge is re-imagining the world through the lens of Jesus’ life and daringly taking actions to create a system whereby Jesus’ model of shared power is its cornerstone so that ALL people are valued and God is glorified. Amen!

Go, ye therefore to find and create opportunities to "Tear the roof off the sucker"!

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Friday, July 10, 2015

"Why Not Your Best?"

The below is an article in memory of Chick-fil-A Founder, Truett Cathy, written by Mark Miller, Chick-fil-A Director of Leadership Development, titled: Why Not Your Best?

One of my favorites is a story Truett first told in 1978 …  

After graduating from the Naval Academy, Jimmy Carter was interviewing with Hyman Rickover for a position on the newly formed team charged with developing nuclear submarines. During their meeting, Carter was asked about his academic accomplishments. The future president proudly shared he had graduated in the top 10% of his class.

After hearing this, Rickover asked a single question, “Did you always give your best?”  Carter, bound by his personal integrity, told him, “No, sir. Not at all times.” Rickover’s response, “Why not?”

With that question, the future admiral and father of the modern Navy stood and left the room leaving Carter alone with his thoughts.

Throughout his life, Truett retold this story and asked our entire organization:

“Why not… why not your best?”

Every time I heard him ask this question, it was a reminder that to reach our full, God-given potential, we must give our best. Truett had the moral authority to ask us this question based on the example he set and the life he lived. For his challenge and example, I am forever grateful.

Some might say, “I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t met Truett Cathy.” My response, “I don’t know who I’d be had I not met him.” He marked me and changed the trajectory of my life. He always inspired me to give my best.

How about you? If Truett were here, he’d ask you… “Why not your best?””

I encourage you, every day to ask yourself, “Am I giving my best?” (Spiritually, Relationally – to my Family, Friends & Self, Career, Financially, Serving Others, etc.)  If the answer is, “No, Not at all times.” Ask yourself, “Why not my best?” And move toward giving your best.

Giving our best is transformative, doing so:
(1)    Develops and deepens our faith(fulness) to Jesus Christ
(2)    Strengthens our character
(3)    Inspires and draws the best out of others
(4)    Prepares us for and leads us toward success   

Colossians 3:23–24 reminds us why we are always to give our best? To Glorify God!
So no matter what your task is, work hard. Always do your best as the Lord’s servant,
not as man’s, because you know your reward is the Lord’s inheritance.
You serve the Lord, the Anointed One.”

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton


Saturday, July 4, 2015

"America, How I Love Thee?"

America, How I Love Thee?

In the Spirit of Freedom Fighters,
Speaking Truth to Power
Standing Against Injustice
Demanding Rights, Hu-man,
Blacks Civil(ly) Marched
Justice Move-ment
Affirming the Scripture
“So God created humankind in God’s image…”

With Raised Fist
Declaring the Beauty of Blackness
Demanding Equal Justice
Deciding Black Lives Matters
With Eyes Affixed on the Prize
Watchword Freedom
   Watch Word. . .Freedom

With Raised Fist
No Freedom, No Power
Know Freedom, Know Power
Absence of Power
Accents “Why We Can’t Wait!”
For Freedom
Blacks Proclaim
“Black Power!”

America, How I Love Thee?

Like Fannie Lou Hamer though
“I question Thee. . .”

How can Blacks fully celebrate Independence Day?
  When America votes to deny Blacks
   Right to vote
  When America every 25 years or so
   Holds court to debate whether it's Blacks
   Right to vote
  When America with every opportunity
   Expresses by vote
what she thinks of Black:

1619  –               She chained and enslaved Blacks
1776  –               She declared America an independent nation
                           while continuing slavery’s barbarism of Blacks
1865  –               She falsely emancipated Blacks – extended no power
                           political nor fiancial. . . to Blacks. Provided no resources land or money
                           to Blacks who labored for free making possible the American Experiment
1882 – 1968       She lynched (publicly murdered & burned) Blacks for pleasure
                           to maintain terror and dominance over the so called lesser race (Black).
1800 – present   She continues institution of Jim Crow Laws to justify enslavement
                           and oppression of Blacks legally denying the humanity of Blacks

She by action and legislation maintains the belief
Blacks are 3/5 human
unworthy of Rights
  to vote
  to be human

She encourages and votes for Blacks
 Substandard Education of Blacks
 Mass Incarceration of Blacks
 Marginalization of Blacks
 Demonizing of Blacks

In case you just think I’m an Angry Black
 Look at Webster:
                How does she define Black?

America, How I Love Thee?

While we can’t fully celebrate Independence Day
Toward Freedom we Stride
Reminding America, God is Sovereign
Reminding America, Human Rights are not hers to give or deny
Reminding America, every Black person, every human being
Is born with and into
Inalienable Rights  

With raised fist
“I question America. . .
If unjust laws, terror, militarism (domestic and foreign),
racism, and economic exploitation
are her means of freedom,

How does she celebrate Independence Day?

America, How I (Still) Love Thee?

And will oppose thee until
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. . .
Is true for all
Because in God’s image God created ALL
Women, Men and Children FREE!
With raised fist. . .
I Can’t Fully Celebrate Independence Day!

©2015 Marcus J. Singleton

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cry for Hope: 12.8 Minutes!

Sue I Side: A Cry/Call for Hope

This is a note to My Sister(s) and My Brother(s) who have felt death was their best option because Hope unborn had died. This could be you the reader or someone you know so PLEASE continue reading, either for yourself or someone you know.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, reporting from 2013 (the most recent available) statistics, someone in the United States died by suicide every 12.8 minutes. The same report concluded:
 ·         The highest suicide rate (19.1) was among people 45 to 64 years old.
·         The second highest rate (18.6) occurred in those 85 years and older.
   ·         Adolescents and young adults aged 15 to 24 had a suicide rate of 10.9

I write this because I know your life has value, I write this because I know your present circumstances are temporary, I write this because I know physical death is permanent, I write this because I Love You and I know Jesus Loves and wants to Love You to an abundant life right now on this Earth.

You are Loved to depths not yet known! When life has thrown you what seems like your final blow – duck, run, absorb it, seek help – BUT don't give/permit your adversity to pronounce the last word on your life, leaving all to wonder what or who you could have become. 

Don’t let us off the hook that easily, explain to us right now, how deeply you hurt, your feelings of helplessness, shame, distrust, worthlessness, hopelessness, being violated, devalued, etc. Tell us how angry you are with us, tell us of your sense of rejection, tell us how you haven’t forgiven us…tell us that you think it's impossible to forgive yourself. Tell us how your fears, your inadequacies, your secrets have you entangled in a spiral of despair.

Tell us now, let us be angry together, let us cry together, let us forgive together, let us pray together, let us heal together. Don’t let us die together because if you go, I might be alive but part of me will be dead too. Let’s strive toward life together!!  

Let us find Hope together!

In this moment where you are right now, in this season – darkness may be your tormentor yet given the opportunity LIGHT always prevails. The psalmist reminds us “weeping comes, weeping indeed endures however Joy returns, Joy will and does overcome” (Psalm 30:5).

I am praying right now for you – you might be in the throes of a health crisis, financial debt, family feuds, friends who proved to be traitors, grief, depression, etc. and you feel like giving up. What you're experiencing IS REAL don't let the super spiritual, the super motivators, the super encouragers downplay what's presently happening in your life.

In the same breath I plead with you to give Hope, Love, and Joy the opportunity to rise as a phoenix "from” and “within" your same darkness, to restore and begin filling you with wholeness. Know that pain, numbs our senses weakening our abilities to: think, see, touch, smell and taste. As a result, God’s love, grace and forgiveness may seem very distant leaving our reality clouded - filled with irrational thoughts and our understanding compromised, we reject that sweet, powerful and freeing serum called Hope

With despair becoming our constant companion,
darkness continues to eclipse our thirst for Light.

In these moments, God, a tried and true comforter wants us to remember God is trustworthy. Even a shaken Hope can be our buoy while wading through raging waters of challenges. In our desperation, let us summon the strength to trust that God will be our life jacket.  With a mustard seed of faith, may you find the wherewithal to swallow the serum of Hope, believing just enough in the healing power of God who promises "to lead you to quiet pools of fresh water; who gives and will give you strength anew and is guiding and will guide you in the right paths" (Psalm 23:2-3) toward recovery and release from life's disappointments and despairs. 

My plea to my sisters and brothers whose grasp on hope continues to loosen, to you who have felt/are feeling the enticement of ending your woes – I beg of you - cling to the possibility of "better days", yes, of better tomorrows.

Thoughts of suicide (sue I side)? Don't allow momentary despair to lure you out of position, you weren’t created to be your own judge or juror(y). I am crying out to you, don’t surrender to an irreversible doom. “Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers!!” 

These considerations might persist, but in their midst I fervently pray you here these words anew – Jesus says: "God's Spirit is on me; he's chosen me to preach the Message of Good News to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free..." (Luke 4:18-20).

The suffering we experience isn't meant to devour us – our trouble and pain doesn't have to diminish us. Jesus reminds us that His - purpose, promise and power is to deliver, redeem and free us. Through our struggles we can learn to see "God is a very present help in the midst of our troubles"; we can begin to feel we (human spirit) are stronger than we ever imagined; we can know there are friends, family and strangers that will rejoice with us and weep with us. We/You aren’t alone!

Every moment we hold out, God's Light continues to penetrate, break and chip away at darkness' encasement. As the light of God's love exposes our wounds at once the healing balm of Hope melds with our life's journey and begins mending our broken places. Recovery isn't absent of pain but the pain experienced can be redemptive – leading us toward our resilient spiritual selves, reclaiming ourselves as “made in the image of God, having God’s likeness and being blessed by God with purpose and power” (Genesis 1:27-28).

Hear this reminder my sisters and my brothers – you are never alone in this rehearsal called Life. You are never bound to your present circumstances. You never have to live without Hope"We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. 

We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the Hope of living. 

We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed" (II Corinthians 4:8-9).

Life/Our journey is a process, you can succeed at every level – you can conquer every obstacle! Each day, in each moment hold on to God's promise of victory "Even when you walk through the darkest valley, don’t be afraid, for God is close beside you. God’s rod and staff protects and comforts you" (Psalm 23:4) remain steadfast and soon you will confidently say God, "I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life; and your house will be my home as long as I live." (Psalm 23:6) 

There’s no doubt, Life can be hard as crucible steel but you can survive and defeat your every adversity.

Thoughts of/Attempts at suicide no more!
Sue I side with life forever more!
 Sue I side with Hope

Remember the depths of Jesus’ love is unfathomable and that Jesus is faithful to His promises. My sisters and my brothers, I love you and pray you experience Jesus’ Love so that in whatever you do or go through, you cling to the Hope in Christ! 

If your senses get compromised, let your cry for Hope lead you to a family member(s), a friend(s), a spiritual advisor(s), even a stranger(s), someone. Also this hotline is available 24-hours, 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

We LOVE YOU and want to LIVE with YOU!

Believe with me:
Sue I side with Hope!

“God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who hast by Thy might,
Led us into the Light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray. . .”

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Toward Loving Like Jesus!

For those of us who profess Jesus as Lord - our litmus test is how well are we loving people? 

Our true selves are revealed in the midst of opposing views...are you continuing to love and respect the sacred worth of people and people groups with whom you are at odds?

Agape (unconditional) love is not guided by politics, culture or majority opinion. Christians who support(ed) and/or practice(d) oppression aren't led by the love of Jesus. Jesus said, "the Spirit of the Lord is upon set the oppressed free". When we demonize "the Other" (people of our opposite gender, race, sexual orientation, class, political affiliation, nationality, color, religion, and opinions/beliefs, etc.) we are devoid of Agape love:

"...for those who do not love a brother or sister whom 
they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen." I John 4:20

Following Jesus' interactions with "the Other",  he extends love and forgiveness to thieves, extortionists, adulterers, the mentally ill, homeless persons, and those who disagreed with him, etc. Jesus' most hostile responses were aimed at the religionists, the self-righteous and the defenders of oppressive systems. Jesus made it plain in response to the keepers of the law (systems of oppression, wielders of power, oligarchs, and maintainers of traditions, etc.): “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love "the Other" as yourself.”

The vehemence we witness from Christians against their "Other" begs the question what sort of God engages in a systematic annihilation of Her creation - how else can the willful dehumanization of one's personhood, the murder of one's body, and/or the destruction/dismantling of one's soul be explained? 

"If" Jesus had to admit having a favorite - their names would be the Least, the Oppressed! 

Loving like Jesus is more "bridge to" than "wall against" the Other!!!

I Love You, 
Pastor Marcus 

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

(205) 440-2879 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Have You Discovered Your Why?

Have you ever wondered about your life’s purpose? On some level, we all wrestle with why were we born? What should I be doing with my life? If you are a Christian/have experience in the church, you probably have pondered:

What is my call? 

For what, did God create me? Those of us in the Christian tradition refer to Scripture seeking to understand our role in God’s plan for Creation:

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1:5

 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. 
 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:11-13

So we believe that God created us for a purpose but few of us truly “look for God wholeheartedly” to discover our purpose. If we really desire to live meaningful lives, knowing how God “formed you in your mother’s womb” and why did God set you apart” is the key.

Currently, are you just getting by? Did you enter a field because it was popular? Is your career or job only paying the bills (survival)? Are you motivated by your work? Are your gifts and talents utilized? If your job or career ended today, would you have a sense of accomplishment that your contributions made a difference?

If you aren’t clear on how God formed you or what God’s plans are for you, begin a self-inventory: Ask yourself, what do I do really well? What brings me joy or satisfaction? What do people say I do well? If I could ______________ all the time I would. When I am____________ I feel like God is well pleased.

Reflect on your childhood, what made you happy? What were your favorite activities? For example, my brother reminds me as a child I talked a lot (that I can't confirm or deny). But, I do remember always having a strong sense of right and wrong. So, it’s not surprising I entered a field requiring verbal communication and focusing on justice.

Retracing your life’s journey will have many clues for you to uncover. Take the time to reminisce, ask for input from people who know you well, and seek feedback from others with whom you aren’t as familiar. Through these actions you might discovery your elusive raison d'etre.

“Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.” 
British physicist, Stephen Hawking 

Believing that God is the origin of our purpose, let us pray and look for God wholeheartedly for our life’s purpose so that our work has meaning. Praying fervently that God reveals:

How? You were formed in your mother’s womb (your gifts and uniqueness)
Why? You were set apart (your purpose)
For what? The plans God has for you (where and with whom you will accomplish your purpose)

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Saturday, May 23, 2015

"The Courage to BE"

Be careful in your critique of leadership lest you become a hypocrite. How often have you commented on the errors of the leader, the flaws in the direction of the system, or how different you would be as that leader!

Beware you have been indoctrinated much more than you realize!!!

This is the danger – one day if you're not intentional, disciplined, accountable, introspective, and receptive to feedback – you will become that same leader you despised – you will lead that system in the same manner you previously held with contempt. 

It's easy to say what you would do differently but it takes courage to actually "do differently". People and Systems, rail against change – finding comfort in their current status whether it is positive or negative. We witness this adulterous relationship with the status quo in our government, many of our churches, businesses, schools and families. 

It's commonplace to sit on the sidelines hurling judgments of "what I would do" but once the opportunity is seized, listen to and watch yourself – are you acting on what you said needed to happen or have you accepted what is happening? 

Ask any parent, have you ever cringed when you heard yourself
sounding/acting like the who/what you despised about your own parents?

Any hope for Change happens when we: accept correction, act courageously, seek feedback, acknowledge our flaws and tendency toward the status quo, embrace counter intuitive tendencies – the recognition that one only knows what they know, and create alliances with unlikely partners which will broadens one’s worldview and understanding.

Every parent that cringes when they sound/act like what they hated about their parents – has the opportunity to be and become the parent they swore they would be. 

Jesus warns against leadership that lacks self-examination, saying commitment to change must move beyond words even cautioning leaders of their destiny when they lack the courage to be (Matthew 15:3-14):

Jesus replied: “Every plant not planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted,
so ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person
guides another, they will both fall into a ditch.”(Matthew 15:13-14)

Once we hold the reins of leadership, our decisions matter – the opportunity to change, accept or redirect the landscape and topography of institutions rests with us.

The question for all leaders and aspiring leaders: 
Do you/I/we have the Courage to Be?


Pastor Marcus