Wednesday, June 30, 2021

My Ancestor Speaks: Become Love!

While visiting my dad for Father’s Day, I did something I had done only once before. I made pilgrimage to the burial place of my mother. Prior to joining in the act of collective memory and love, I resisted paying such homage because I know my mother is not in this place of rest and lifelessness. 
My mom’s spirit continues to dwell in all the spaces and within the lives whom she comforted, inspired, protected, encouraged, and empowered.
Yet, this moment allowed for re-remembering of her physical presence. In that short reflective stillness, I could hear her voice amid the silence, I even inhaled her scent, and I could feel her strength of conviction…Frances Gustine (Smith) Singleton while absence in body showered her memorial place, gifting me-us, with her spirit. 
Heretofore, I hadn’t identified my mom with or as one of my (our) ancestors. Better stated, I hadn't fully comprehended her celestial status, or ancestral positioning among the cloud of witnesses who preceded her. 
As I stood there over her marker, I allowed myself to drift past this dimension of consciousness. I heard myself preaching words of comfort on June 30, 2007, as I quoted James Weldon Johnson: 
Weep not, weep not,
She is not dead;
She's resting in the bosom of Jesus.
Heart-broken husband--weep no more;
Grief-stricken son--weep no more;
Left-lonesome daughter --weep no more;
She only just gone home.”
I knew what I intended for that occasion but today gave way to a depth of understanding, a way of knowing revealed in re-remembering. When we submit to the process, re-remembering removes veils, unearths truth, soothes souls, heals hearts, and restores order and divine purpose. 
Indeed, just as I proclaimed during her earthly departure, “She is not dead”.
My mom had returned to sage status, to royalty, rooted in the tradition of resurrected life: she lived. she died. she is risen and is present again.  She like the ancestors before her completed her bodily journey and is now commended to the spiritual realm which can’t be contained. 
Standing in that place meant for completed anatomical usefulness, my re-remembering and my mom’s spirit affirmed: “She is not dead”.  Her work continues just as the other ancestors preceding her. 
Our ancestors are our guides, our strength, and our source of wisdom. Never discard or disregard our dearly departed, they still have words of wisdom and healing to speak, and lessons to impart. 
They don’t speak from the grave, they communicate from beyond human dimensions, deliberating with incomprehensible sagacity, inviting us to listen with a trusting, expecting, and accepting imagination. For they are co-conspirators united with the Creator. In short, the ancestors help us believe, and in Sankofa-like fashion remind us of the past, while pointing us toward the yet attained.
As an earthly guide, my mom instructed me to “develop holy boldness”. Speaking through eternity, she intimates love is an indestructible force, “become Love”.  My ancestor and mom has spoken, “become Love”“She is not dead…She only just gone home”, alongside the Creator, my ancestor channels wisdom and direction guiding me into my divine purpose, “become Love”, she says. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Faithful Fridays - "American Methodists (Christians): Do We Look Upon ALL the World as Our Parish?"

The United Methodist Church mustn’t lose sight of the vision declared by her missional founder,   I look upon all the world as my parish; thus far I mean, that in whatever part of it I am, I judge it meet, right, and my bounden duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation.” 

ALL the WORLD is our parish means the people called Methodists are to impact EVERY people group with the glad tidings of salvation. If we are to accomplish our Jesus calling, care is to be taken in our messages and actions. When American Methodists sound and act more like politicians, we have failed to judge what is meet, right and our bounden duty. 

Holy Spirit guided Followers of the Way aren’t narrow-minded, dogmatic, myopic protectors of the status quo. Like Jesus, his disciples are disrupters who embrace the Kingdom of God as expansive. Christ-like believers confront practitioners of Empire by overturning tables of injustice and evil. And certainly, Jesus' Followers point ALL to the Gospel of wholeness and reconciliation to Adonai – Our God who is the Master over ALL. 

When Christians are fully submitted to the will of God, she/he produces fruit, Jesus says, “My Father cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” In short, the faithful Christian is life giving.

Is it possible that our decline in (attendance and membership of) 
the United Methodist Church 
and other branches of Zion is indicative of 
God’s cutting off these branches due to our failure to produce fruit? 

We, American United Methodists, might ask ourselves what kind of branch are we? 
·      Are we an American politics driven by the status quo branch? 
·      Are we a Gospel, Kingdom of God disruptive force, Great Reversal driven branch? 
·      Are we a branch who has forsaken their identity? 

Whether we answer or choose to dismiss these questions, our fruit or lack thereof reveals who and whose we are! Jesus and John Wesley dared to push the boundaries of the accepted norms and what it meant to fulfill God’s commandment(s). Both defied popular, stagnant, oppressive religious and political practices of their day. 

As we, United Methodists examine our personal and corporate lives:
·         Let us judge what is meet and right, 
·         Let us examine our fruit or lack thereof, 
·         Let us forsake religiosity and abandon exploitative politics,
so that we faithfully embrace our "bounden duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation.”

The world awaits and needs the People called Methodists
to bear fruit proving that we too,
“Look Upon All the World as My (our) Parish”!

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Correct Faith Practice: Do What Jesus Would DO

As the Church continues investing in the politic of exclusion and white supremacy, it decimates the (dunamis) power and love ethic of the God (of Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Tamar, Rahab, the Prophets, Mary – Jesus’ mother, Simon of Cyrene, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, etc.) while legitimating and elevating their chosen idols of hegemonic power, division, greed, hatred, scarcity, and subjugation of God’s creation to name a few.

The Kingdom of God and the love of God rightly practiced is meant to demolish evils of oppression, injustice, the numerous isms, poverty, power-mongering, war, etc. Thereby, opening floodgates to opportunities for wholeness – unconditional love, freedom, forgiveness, abundance, access to wellness and wealth, and peace.  In short, ensuring the ability to lead a life without obstruction and absent of walls (unjust laws and prejudices) enabling all people to become fully human and live into the Imago Dei. 

The Kingdom of God which is inclusive and impartial (Galatians 5:6) is the only rising tide that lifts all boats (people) leading to spiritual, economic, physical and relational mobility.  The mission of all life-giving resources is providing accessibility for every human being to live abundantly (John 10:10). 

Believers who truly understand the Gospel know the redemptive work of Jesus is incomplete when only saving souls into life after death.  The fullness of the Gospel and salvific purpose of Jesus’ life and resurrection also includes overturning oppressive systems (Isaiah 61, Luke 4:16-21) and providing resources for the overlooked and least within a society (Matthew 25:31-46) insuring “God’s Kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven”

Until the body of Christ – in America – repents (that means have true sorrow, turn away from wicked/sinful actions and follow the ways of Jesus) of choosing the world’s governing system, i.e. politics over the Kingdom of God, we will continue to experience the reign of hatred and the furthering of wealth-income gaps, educational disparities, harrowing violence, racial and gender genocide, poverty, the military-industrial complex, etc. 

Our failure to address our own sins and others is leading us on a course to kill and desecrate humanity.  Largely, due to our adherence to worldviews and political beliefs which aren’t aligned with the Gospel or the cause of Jesus Christ.

Christians!!! Jesus reminds us to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s but never instructs us to embrace or surrender to the methods of Caesar. Jesus urges us to remain Kingdom focused which will make us enemies of the Empire (Caesar) – John 15:19, “The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.”

Each day we must examine our actions and beliefs to determine
 are we children of God or children of the devil (I John 3:10). 

Joshua implores us to “choose this (each) day” whom you will serve. May we strive everyday toward responding “As for me, I will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15)!  Jesus states his family, his mother, his brothers are: “Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!” 

So, we must keep asking ourselves, is my worldview, are my actions in alignment with the Kingdom message of God that Jesus preached or akin to messages of my chosen political party or religious affiliation? Jesus clearly states there are differences and implications, John 8:43-44, “Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Hence, we who profess faithfulness to Jesus are to have the daily goal – for our life and character to parallel Jesus’ commands, actions and outcomes.  Thus, we mustn’t ask what would Jesus do, WE MUST DO WHAT JESUS WOULD DO – which is loving God and your neighbor, resisting Caesar and overturning corrupt systems of oppression! 

This is the unequivocal orthopraxy of Jesus’ followers! 

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton 

Friday, July 20, 2018

News Alert: The American Stupor

Drinking from the top shelf of power, politicians drunkenly violate the American people while tempting the Constitution in hopes of (re)election and greater power gains.   

Lord Acton warns us "that a person's sense of morality lessens as her or his power increases." Clearly, our politicians have hit rock bottom.  We the People must vote, not in allegiance to a particular party, but in deference to and with hopes of making America's ideals Her reality. 

Our brash tribalism is a direct threat to the freedom we claim to value.
America should be on alert!!

She is shrinking from the struggle and the pursuit of a "more perfect union".  The ideal of freedom and justice for ALL continues to narrow. Wake up, the stony road on which we trod is widening! Embracing similar agendas – capitalists, politicians and religious leaders divide and devour ALL, protecting only those drunk from the wine of the world they're creating.  

America, head first, journeys toward another Civil War.  Paralyzed by immorality and clinging to power, those in higher(ed) places are annihilating freedom and anyone who dares pursue freedom for ALL. 

Until we lift every voice and resist – bitter will be the chastening rod!

AMERICA, who is the god in whom we trust? 


Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Toward A More Perfect Union: Patriotism the Cracking of America

America continues in a downward spiral, succumbing to and whirling in Her own defecation while intently shunning the ideals which could make Her great - thereby threatening Her common defence, Her general welfare and the Blessings of Liberty under which She was established. 

The America in which we live mocks the idea of patriotism. Patriotism has become a mere phrase, a talking point absent of teeth, far removed from its intended meaning. 

When men and women take a stand against injustice, for instance "taking a knee" in protest against police brutality, they are acting in accord with the highest ideals of America by exposing that we America(ns) have much work before us if we are to achieve "a more perfect union". 

How can America hold Her ideals high before Her citizens or the world when protesters abiding by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution - which guarantees the freedom of speech, the right to peaceably assemble, and the right to petition the government to redress grievances are vilified, fired from their jobs, shamed, told to leave the country, labeled unpatriotic, etc.?

YET, the president of the United States can call protesters, those living into the democratic principles of America, sons of b_ _ _ _ _ _ ! Then on a world stage announce that he rejects the findings, of the United States intelligence agencies, that Russia interfered in the 2016 United Sates of America's elections. With his objection to the report, based on the assurance from the Russian president - his country did not tamper with the U.S. elections. 

Is the president unAmerican for standing against America's intelligence agencies 
and standing with an enemy of the state? 

The president's actions begs the question, what is patriotism? Does the president of the United States of America exalting and defending Russia, a declared enemy of the United States and the world, above the national security of America and Americans, qualify as patriotism? 

Unfortunately patriot-patriotism has become merely a word 
signifying one's ascription to a particular tribe within American politics. 

How does a sitting president side with a long standing adversary of The United States of America and true patriots remain  silent? Where is the outrage from the patriots who vehemently characterized those "taking a knee"  as unAmerican?

I'm confused, the greatness of America lies within Her ideals and the pursuit of a more perfect union. Somehow Americans have decided to pledge their allegiance to a political party (Democrat or Republican); hence,  weakening our country and the Constitution from which these parties were formed. If America(ns) doesn't awaken from Her slumber she will soon find Herself toppled and plundered like every dynasty before Her. 

If America is ever to attain greatness, our trust must not remain solely with politicians, as they are apt to cling to power, often at the expense of their constituents and certainly against portions of the "All" pursuing unalienable Rights...

Thus, the future of American ideals rests with "We the People". 

Here is the good news...America is malleable! Her citizens must hold Her imperfections and potential in tension like clay, kneading Her into the Nation which makes possible the attainment of Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness and the equal treatment for ALL

While the president of America continually praises well known enemies of the United States and embraces the leaders and  ideals of totalitarianism, "We the People" mustn't cease - Voting, Protesting, Resisting and Holding Every Leader Accountable - for the betterment of America not the Democratic or Republican Party. 

These are American values which can make Her great!!!

In short, "We the People" must unify and openly conspire to guide America "toward a more perfect union"!

Inspired By Love,
Pastor Marcus

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Fathering: Reveals Manhood

I am a father because my sons carry my DNA. But because I Father (invest my time, energy, effort and emotional, financial and spiritual resources in my children's development) I am a dad. 

Every boy, young and adult man struggles with what is meant by Manhood

In God's infinite wisdom, discovery of Manhood, an elusive but accessible mystery is only revealed in the trenches. Fathering is the means...

Fathering has a way of stripping a man of pretense while equipping him with purpose. Fathering chisels away arrogance while cloaking him in humility. Fathering redirects his recklessness toward remarkable responsibleness. Fathering reverses man's misinterpreting vulnerability as weakness into a sign of attained venerability. Fathering reshapes one's narrow distorted ego into an accepting eclectic ecosystem. Fathering stretches the perceived reach of strength beyond the physical to include strength in its emotional, psychological and spiritual capacities. 

In short, fathering reveals the complexities of Manhood. Submission to Fathering is an arduous process without end but every successful attempt unveils God's intention for Manhood and the recipients (sons/daughters - males/females) of our courageous striving.  Fathering is a pathway to Manhood but doesn't require a man’s reproductive seed yet demands every aspect of his being! 

When we young and adult men submit to fathering, Manhood becomes our reality and God says to each of us:

“This is my Son, and I love him. I am very pleased with him.”

Much Love from a Dad in the trenches who is learning-discovering Manhood and God's intention for himself and his young boys.


Pastor Marcus J. Singleton


Monday, May 29, 2017

Remembering Our "Great Responsibility" (Memorial Day Reflection from a UMC Elder)

As Memorial Day is a remembrance of the fallen military women and men who died while protecting democracy. 

It's also true too many tombs are filled with well meaning military personnel and innocent civilians who died for the sake of "nationalism" which truth be told is an oft misguided notion leaving us to wonder, why and for what did our loved ones die?  

Hence, this Memorial Day, I find myself reflecting on leadership.

Given the solemnity of this holiday and the despair that accompanies the loss of life, I have concluded with certainty the necessity for sober, courageous, thoughtful and humble leaders who are mindful that death is a very possible implication of their decisions.

This Memorial Day reminds me within my present context as an Elder in the United Methodist Church (which is a hierarchical Church-Ecclesial system that operates similarly to the government), spiritual deaths commonly occur in the name of "God", "Jesus" and/or the "Book of Discipline". 

Reflecting upon known and unknown losses vividly pronounces the "Great Responsibility" we-church leaders (Bishops, Deacons, District Superintendents, Elders, Laypersons and Local Pastors) owe to God, the followers of Jesus and not yet followers of Christ. 

Across our Connection, there's a painful witness of tombs, many cloaked as churches both nearly empty and filled to capacity with well-meaning Christians and innocent church goers (attenders). With honesty, confession and in some cases repentance, we have to recognize these churches are the results of our decisions (Bishops, Deacons, District Superintendents, Elders, Laypersons and Local Pastors). 

Considering death and her constant proximity, we (leaders) are challenged through fear and trembling to courageously provide life-giving leadership. Jesus exhorts us to weigh the outcomes of our decisions, thus, we mustn't take lightly any of our resolutions as unlike any other leaders our actions/inactions have both earthly and Eternal consequences. 

As we remember the saints we've lost and acknowledge the deaths (of dying and closed churches), our response should be to lead with greater commitment and conviction toward Jesus' vision of the church - "a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out." 

While we (church leaders) hold the memory of past deaths, successes and missteps nigh, may we enthusiastically launch into not yets, emboldened by unrelenting Hope, anchored to the Holy Spirit and inspired by Love provide leadership which guides our churches to God's preferred future. So that all of God's people regardless of their faith, race, gender, ethnicity, social location, sexual orientation, country of origin, etc. will know that we United Methodist Christians freely worship Jesus and full-heartedly preach and teach freedom, as we announce for everyone to hear:

"Good News to the poor,
Pardon to prisoners, 
Recovery of sight to the blind,
The oppressed and battered are free, 
“This is God’s year to act!”"

Let not our memorial be in vain, but because of courageous leadership from Bishops, Deacons, District Superintendents, Elders, Laypersons and Local Pastors, all people will see the church anew and attest that "God’s home is too among the People called Methodists! Yes, God lives with them, and they too are God's people. (It's clear) God is present and guiding the United Methodist Church."

This is my commitment, hope and prayer as an Elder in the United Methodist Church.

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton
(205) 440-2879