Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dreams (Visions) Always Have A Casting Call

Have you ever dreamt the unimaginable only to be awakened by its possibility pulsating within?  Dreams can leave us confounded – suspended between our present reality and a starry-eyed fixation on what could be. Our inner thoughts or divine call can either get lost in an unsearchable cosmos or become a tangible actuality. Whether or not our dreams become is not based on the dreams intensity, yea all dreams have their genesis within but are not discernible until shared.

Hence, Dreams (Visions) Always Have A Casting Call

In January, we celebrate the world renowned Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday.  Rev. King etched the words I have a dream in the minds and hearts of people around the globe.  He had an unshakeable pulsating within, a dream of a world where every living person received equal and fair treatment. King understood the nobility of his dream, yet even more so recognized, if kept to himself, his “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” would remain a fiction without hope. Subsequently, this speech emerged as one of the most prolific casting calls in United States history. People from all walks of life, known and unknown have made and are making Dr. King’s dream become.  

What dreams (visions) have you kept to yourself?
With a casting call (sharing) your dream (vision) can become.

In Luke 4:18–19, Jesus provides the greatest example in world history of a vision (dream) saying:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”

Jesus courageously spoke this vision aloud. This dream, a nightmare to most of his original audience, pronounces hope to the downtrodden and judgment to the oligarchs. Jesus announces the dream in the synagogue then conducts the casting call on the beach, in towns and in the mountains, simply saying, “Come follow me and I will show you how to fish for people” Mark 1:16 and “Follow me and be my disciple” Luke 5:27 and Mark 3:13. Jesus’ first casting call netted twelve disciples but today his dream continues gaining followers and producing disciples. Jesus’ dream born above, seeps into the spirit of those on earth summoning us to “Come follow me”.  Seemingly meager, Jesus’ initial twelve has ballooned to billions, according to www.pewforum.org, “there are 2.18 billion Christians of all ages around the world, representing nearly a third of the estimated 2010 global population of 6.9 billion”.

Will you dare to speak aloud your dream?

Without a casting call, our dreams (visions) are deferred withering like raisins in the sun, festering like sores. Without partners living out the dream, our dreams stagnate sagging like a heavy load destined to implode.

Casting calls are the lifeline through which our dreams become.

Questions to ponder
  1. Have you answered yes to Jesus’ casting call of “Come follow me and I will show you how to fish for people”?
  2. Naming your dream and having a casting call could be your next step toward obedience to God.
  3. What dreams (visions) are pulsating within you?
  4. Think about the 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, and more that await your casting call.
  5. Your dreams (visions) might be the answer to someone's prayer

Much Love,
Pastor Singleton

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