Friday, December 14, 2012

Advent Thought: On the love of kings, football, culture and the sacred.

Are the lines between living in our culture and living for Jesus Christ blurred? This is not a new inquiry, clearly throughout the Bible a struggle persists between faithfulness to God (Jesus) and the degree to which one indulges the culture. For instance, Israel after experiencing other cultures (nations) governed by a king demands that they too be led by a king:

“Give us a king to judge us like all the other nations have.” Jesus replied, “Do everything they say to you, for it is me they are rejecting, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer”.” (I Samuel 8:5, 7)

Luke 19:45 – 46 describes another instance:  Then Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the people selling animals for sacrifices.  He said to them, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves.”

Lastly another example, Paul challenges us:  “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

However, Christians and not yet Christians continue to ask for a king; desecrate the sacred; and acquiesce to the customs of this world.  Exemplified through how we have made sports and celebrities King of our lives; the manner in which we give priority to the secular and subdue the sacred; and how we strive toward pursuits commended by the standards of this world. We are relentless in our desire to have the accoutrements of this world, we deify our athletes and worship the teams for which they play.

One morning while my youngest son and I were leaving Starbucks, we began a brief conversation with a few gentlemen as we walked out the door. One of the men asked me, who is your team (as if I had to have one and that I knew the choices to which he referred)?  Living in the belly of the SEC, this is not a surprising question but when I replied, I don’t have a particular team – he looked at me with such disdain: you would have thought I confessed to being a murderer or an adulterer.

His reaction troubled me! I began thinking, how often do I experience a Christian with such devotion and duty approaching me with a similar question, wondering if I had a relationship with Jesus Christ or was I entrusting my life to the devil? I concluded the answer was rare if at all.

Unfortunately, we (Christians) are more apt to privatize our faith
and publicize our idolatry.

What if we displayed such a zest and passionate love for Jesus as we do for football (and other priorities of our culture)? We might discover the following:
1.  More people would have the opportunity to enter into relationship with Jesus (because we would readily share we are on Team Jesus).
2.   There would be an increase in worship attendance and servant ministry (because we would readily give of our time and treasure).
3.   Worship at our churches would be Spirit-filled and vibrant (because Jesus would be the focal point and object of worship).
4.   No one would have to guess if we were Christians (because we would unashamedly demonstrate our allegiance to Jesus and the Gospel). 
5.  We would strive toward faithfulness in all aspects of our lives (because we would believe that Jesus can't be defeated).

As we continue through the season of advent, maybe our preparation is to evaluate:
(1) who do I uphold as the King of my life, (2) what/who do I recognize and value as sacred and (3) is my life conformed to the customs of this culture 
or to that which Jesus asks of me?

Much Love,
Pastor Singleton

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