Friday, August 24, 2012

Know Love, Know Life - No Love, No Life!

Do you know love? Love often confused with lust is not fleeting nor suffers defeat. Love is a power unacquainted with falling from itself. Real love, like a flowing river never stagnate moves constantly “seeking its own level” – that someone, that circumstance, that opportunity, which embraces its power, its zeal, its hope, its life! 

Love lingers everywhere! Amid the crucibles of life – love is present, whispering and encouraging: you can make it! In the midst of moments of joy – love is present, cheering and celebrating:  have fun, enjoy it! Love always invites life and ultimately compels aliveness within everyone it encounters. 
Know Love, Know Life
No Love, No Life

As we acknowledge the consistent presence of love, our eyes hear what our ears see, our noses feel what our hands smell and our tongues speak what our mouths taste. Said another way, when our inward self, our heart, our soul experiences love, we come alive! Are you alive? Only love enables us to live alive.  Love awakens us to the limitless possibilities in this life. Jesus responded to a question: “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God (Love) everything is possible”.

Many people in the throes of life; gnaw at, and attempt to silence love’s trumpet of “you can make it” and “have fun, enjoy it”. But, regardless of how often we give up, no matter the degree to which we pursue other means of coming alive. Love, unabated and undeterred even at our lowest low, continues whispering, encouraging, cheering, celebrating and inviting us to know love.

During a recent layover at DFW airport, I met a widow. In our brief encounter, she shared while her life had been filled with challenges, pain, suffering and disappointments she was determined to make it, have fun and enjoy it! I asked her who would she visit on this trip? Without pausing, she responded, “God answers prayer, I am going to visit someone I love”. My newly found septuagenarian friend reminded me that amid the crucibles of life and in the midst of life’s joys: love is always present.  Regardless our circumstances, God, the author of love is whispering, encouraging and inviting us to:  
Know Love, Know Life

With love, everything is possible because Real Love is never defeated. The writer of Song of Solomon 8:6-7 vividly illustrates the power of love:

Love is invincible facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell.
The fire of love stops at nothing - it sweeps everything before it.
Flood waters can't drown love, torrents of rain can't put it out.
Love can't be bought, love can't be sold - it's not to be found in the marketplace.
(The Message Bible)
Questions for Reflection:
How would you describe the love that you know?
Are you in a place where the presence of love seems absent?
What story illustrates the power of God's love for you?
What about those seasons where you have experienced no love, no life?

Much Love,
Pastor Singleton

1 comment:

  1. The blog looks good and of course I love the message. Keep up the good work and keep putting the word of God where it needs to our minds, in our hearts and in this blog! LOL
