Friday, June 28, 2013

" I Would Never_____!"

Am I accurate suggesting everyone would like to consider themselves having high moral standards and values? I have said and heard said, “I would never______! (insert any value you "think" you would never violate) but is this true?  The "I would never______!" statement can only remain true when we resist, avoid and/or are prepared to overcome it.

For instance, Joseph in the Bible resists Potiphar’s invitation to commit adultery. But, could Joseph maintain absolutely, “I would never______? I imagine that Moses would have said I would never murder; yet he commits murder. I wonder did Judas Iscariot ever say I would never betray Jesus the Christ; yet he betrays Jesus. Adam, the first born, probably thought I would never eat from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil; yet Genesis communicates he did. 

While it’s possible as in the case of Joseph, we can resist; avoid and prepare to overcome sin – we would do well to remember the phrase:

“There, but for the grace of God go I!” 

This statement is derived from John Bradford, English Reformer and martyr. Who while imprisoned witnessed other prisoners being led to their death and said “There, but for the grace of God goes John Bradford!” Bradford’s observation acknowledges that given different circumstances he too could have faced death from the warden.

When we say would never______!, we are relying and trusting in our limited human ability and power. While belief in our own gifts and abilities breeds confidence, our “I would never______!” thinking sets us up for failure. If we are to resist; avoid and prepare to overcome our penchant to sin; development of a God-dependence is necessary.  John Bradford reminds us that it’s very possible to succumb to the circumstances before us – I would add circumstances both in and beyond our control.

Jesus warns Peter after he confidently says “I would never – “Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you", responding “I tell you the truth, Peter – this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me”   Matthew 26:33-34. Jesus points to Peter’s (and our) lack of power over sin (temptations).

Our confidence to live a life of fidelity to Jesus and with high moral standards and values is only possible when we submit to God-dependent living. Our ability to resist; avoid and/or prepare to overcome sin begins when we realize and accept, 

“There, but for the grace of God go I!”

Each day, when we focus on being self-reliant we must remember never is closer than we think. Embracing God-dependence leads us to taking God honoring actions; knowing; and trusting without the grace of God, we would______(sin).

Take a moment now and begin practicing God-dependence saying, 
“Without the grace of God, I would_____!”

Inspired By Love,

Marcus J. Singleton
Lead Pastor
Living Faith Community
Hoover, AL

Our Vision: "A diverse community of faith; inspired by the love of Jesus, committed to becoming and making disciples".

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sum Matters Most

Have you ever placed too much emphasis on one outcome? For example – having a significant other; getting a promotion; passing a professional exam; gaining acceptance to a particular school; making an athletic team; being selected for a competitive award; receiving recognition from your peer group, etc. The danger is you might thwart your potential; or maybe never realize your greatest outcomes.

As I watched my oldest son jump into the deep end of the pool determined to pass his swim test by swimming the length of the pool, I wanted badly for him to succeed because he had talked about this moment for weeks and weeks. However, I didn't want the result of this one test to define his ability to swim. “Kick, Scoop, Breathe!” I chanted. ”Kick, Scoop, Breathe – You can do it!” Half way there he's still swimming strong; with three quarters complete he's winded and struggling...”Kick, Scoop, Breathe – Come on, You can do it!” He had swam his farthest distance ever to date, only a few more kicks, scoops and breaths and he would have passed the test.

But I stepped in. Why? Clearly, he didn't have enough breath or strength to complete the remaining distance. He needed a little more time, more practice. So, I celebrated his accomplishment believing he would better achieve his goal during another visit to the pool. This decision became a teachable moment. Certainly, he had not failed on this first attempt. Its possible continued urging of more kicks, scoops and breaths would have helped him attain his swim badge (of honor).  Conversely, pushing too hard he may have swallowed some water, or begun going under and loss confidence in his ability to swim.

Sometimes we place too much emphasis on one moment; one opportunity; or one event defining ourselves by that solitary outcome. In doing so we fail to realize that our greatest victories lie before us. Along the way, sometimes we will fail and sometimes we will succeed.

Hence, we must recognize it’s the sum of our efforts that matters most.

Jesus, the greatest and most prolific leader and preacher ever – wasn't well received after preaching his first sermon. In fact, he faced a hostile audience ready to harm him because of his daring pronouncements. Jesus could have just accepted this as a success or failure but well aware of his future opportunities, he makes an interesting decision. Does he kick, scoop or breathe? None of these are his choice.

Jesus understood this wasn't the defining moment of his ministry. He realized preaching more sermons was in his future and concluded that the analysis of the sum of his ministry matters most more than this one moment; this one opportunity; or this one event. Notice Jesus' choice:

"When they heard this, the people in the synagogue were furious. Jumping up, they mobbed him and forced him to the edge of the hill on which the town was built. They intended to push him over the cliff, but he passed right through the crowd and went on his way." 
Luke 4:28-30

Sometimes our best action or choice is recognition, 
the sum of our efforts matters most!

Sum questions for your thoughts:
1. Do you know when it's best for you to continue to kick, scoop and breathe?
2. Is your solitary focus on one moment; one event; or one opportunity?
3. Do you need to take some time to celebrate your present accomplishments?
4. Do you know the sum of your efforts is more important than one success or one failure?

Inspired By Love,

Marcus J. Singleton
Lead Pastor
Living Faith Community

Hoover, AL

Our Vision: "A diverse community of faith; inspired by the love of Jesus, committed to becoming and making disciples".

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Father's Day - IXNAY (Nix) on the Ties!

Father’s Day is nigh, it’s neither too early nor too late to choose the perfect gift. For some strange reason, ties have been designated as the ideal gift for dads. Hint, unless he loves ties AND you have some fashion sense – Please IXNAY on the ties this year!

Here’s an idea that won’t get buried in the closet and has the potential to be life changing...Extend the gift of forgiveness to him and love him unconditionally!

Whether your dad was absent and awful; present and perfect; unknown and unwanted – deceased or alive.  .  .the truth is he fathers/fathered as he is/was capable. He may have blessed you or cursed you.

Today let the healing begin, free him and yourself. Lay to rest now the strongholds of anger even hatred that hinders you from loving and receiving love from him and others. Through forgiveness plant the seed of holiness, of hope and of wholeness, and pray that you remain rooted in this rich soil that produces new life and new relationships.

Forgiveness is a tried and true remedy often even more redemptive to the one who extends it. My Brother, Jesus the Christ, demonstrates the necessity of forgiveness – amid his own anguish and suffering on the cross – saying:

“Father, forgive them they don’t know what they are doing...”.

At some point, in our own anguish and frustration we too must realize and accept that there is but One Father that is Always capable of providing us the love, attention, and guidance we need and desire. If a tie is a must, let us tie our hearts and minds with forgiveness enabling us to sing and live:

“Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.

Before our Father’s throne
We pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one
Our comforts and our cares.”

IXNAY on the ties – Extend the gift of forgiveness. Let this truly be a Happy Father’s Day, where Fathers, Daughters and Sons tie their hearts in Christian Love (Forgiveness)!! Even if Dad is no longer living or is unknown – Forgive Him!

Inspired By Love,

Marcus J. Singleton
Lead Pastor
Living Faith Community
Hoover, AL

Our Vision: "A diverse community of faith; inspired by the love of Jesus, committed to becoming and making disciples".

Friday, June 7, 2013

Residue. . .

Today, as I look out my window and see residue in the pond below,
I remember that we had a major thunder storm last night.
There was a lot of noise and flashes of light,
as several inches of rain fell.
Today there is calm and
the retention pond is filled with residue
of seemingly unknown origin.
You can't tell where it started and yet it's there.

You know there are times when our lives are like that.
There is so much going on, a lot of noise and flashes of light.
It just seems to keep coming with no end in sight.
Then from the heavens comes a cleansing rain -
While we may get immediate relief, there are still pockets of residue.

You don't have to know the origin and you need not be part of the cleanup.
Just recognize that there is help out there and not from men (women) in white suits.
First, there is the power of God to assist you in recognizing
that the residue are reflections of your past and need not be hurdles you need to cross.
Then from those who love you, truly love you - the ones that come over and sit with you
when you have nothing to say.
The ones that offer prayers for you because of whose you are, not where you are.

Today, I thank you and my God for helping me deal with my residue.
Even though I know it's there, I recognize that it is my past and
I don't need to deal with it anymore.

I am in the safety of the Ark.

Nedra Faye Scoggins
Over 50 Don't Mean You're Dead: My Spiritual Journey