Friday, April 26, 2013

"Situational Awareness: Are You Minding Your Own Business?"

This Tank Didn't Have It!
Is it possible we need to reconsider our demand of people to mind their own business? I’m well aware some folks are simply nosy for gossip’s sake – finding satisfaction in using information to cause harm to others and/or to promote their own selfish ambitions. But, what could happen if we were active agents of goodwill, primarily seeking to act as ambassadors for Jesus Christ?

What do I mean? Imagine hearing a troubled teenager basking in poor choice after poor choice or a co-worker lamenting over family life challenges. Too often our responses range from being dismissive, judgmental, and indifferent to offering inclusion in future prayers. In these moments we have an opportunity like no other to truly take action as Jesus’ disciples.  Recently, I discovered a term used in the legal field, situational awareness, that we would do well to apply in our interactions. 

Situational awareness is applied in the courtroom as lawyers listen intently for both what the witnesses say and don’t say. The lawyers are listening to attain greater understanding, for inconsistencies in testimonies and other clues to aid in protecting their clients. In addition, lawyers observe body language and employ other measures to gather as much information as possible.  One of the keys to success in the courtroom is the lawyer’s knowledge (being aware) of everything that is happening during the trial.

Which is why, I suggest those of us professing Jesus as Lord begin minding other people’s business through developing the skill of situational awareness. For instance, what if the teenager begins to withdraw; or the once confident co-worker seems distracted and combative; or you notice a Facebook comment indicating your friend is in distress.  These are all opportunities to ask questions, write thoughtful notes, initiate prayer or to listen to the person's troubles, etc. with the only aim - to be a vehicle of Jesus’ love and healing.

In John 8 (vss. 1-11), Jesus demonstrates situational awareness while exposing the nosy people that should just mind their own business!  The nosy people were insensitive, judgmental and dismissive; they attempted to use the gathered information to condemn a woman.  But, Jesus filled with love, compassion and a desire to restore the woman asks a question, v.10 "Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” In verse 11, she replied, “No, Lord”. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more”.

The world needs to experience more people guided by the love of Jesus who utilize situational awareness - daring to ask questions; to provide a listening ear; and most importantly to recognize a person in need. Then, boldly with grace, extend compassion, empathy, and hope.

My Christian sisters and brothers, hurting people are 
waiting for us to stop minding our own business.

Much Love,

Marcus J. Singleton
Lead Pastor
Living Faith Community

Hoover, AL

Our Vision: "A diverse community of faith; inspired by the love of Jesus, committed to becoming and making disciples".

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