Friday, February 1, 2013

Over There, Over There, Over There!!

In a few days our oldest son turns six years old; while he still maintains toddler status, I readily admit he and his four year old brother are master teachers.  Sometimes I marvel at their wisdom which confounds their innocence and age.  Moments where their responses belie their infancy causes me to wonder "If they have been here before?" Through their awareness, insights and observations, my little fellas continue to inspire, challenge and encourage me. For instance, they responded with enthusiasm and joy as my wife and I taught them the importance and value of serving others during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

In a Wal-Mart parking lot, they introduced themselves and assisted about forty people with their carts by saying, “Hi may I serve you today by helping you with your cart?” People (mature and young) were gracious and most extended them an opportunity to serve. My surprise sprung from those denying our innocent babies such a learning moment. Still, the master teachers were not deterred nor their spirit dampened.  Upon each acceptance or denial immediately their sights were set on the next opportunity, screaming "Over There, Over There, Over There" (at the top of their lungs) as they pointed to another customer pushing her/his cart toward their cars.

The spirit and heart of a child is inclined to serve and sensitivity

Are we adults so hardened, frustrated and disappointed that our bent toward loving and serving others has become severed? What could otherwise explain our self absorption; our refusal to share the love of Jesus; our disconnection from those known as the Least (the imprisoned, oppressed, poor, suffering, widows, etc.)?

Jesus invites us to have an Over There mentality. Jesus teaches the adults (us) to emulate him, the Master Teacher, by pointing to the children as the model of His love and embodiment of His Kingdom. Not only are we to serve the Least but we are to have an enthusiasm and joy as we are serving.  

The number of birthdays we experience or how long we have been members of a church is not the barometer for our commitment to Jesus.

We discover the degree of our commitment in our faithfulness to Jesus. We realize the measure of our commitment every time we declare Over There to our next opportunity to share and demonstrate Love as Christ taught us.

Jesus challenges, chastises and corrects his disciples (us) as they attempted to legitimize spiritually wayward adult tendencies; as they sought to preempt the master teachers from experiencing the Master’s wisdom and His expectation of us all. In Mark 10:13 – 16, through His rebuke Jesus calls us to serve Him and to scream Over There at every opportunity:

13 ”People were bringing little children to him in order that he might touch them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. 14 But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 15 Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” 16And he took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them.

  1. Perhaps, we need to revisit and embrace our innocence?
  2. Perhaps, we are succumbing to being adults and have lost our sense of child-like wonderment to serving and Loving?
  3. Perhaps, we need to rededicate ourselves to Over There?
  4. Perhaps, our hearts and ears need to hear the stern rebuke of Jesus? 
  5. Perhaps, we need to experience our lives in the embrace of Jesus arms?
  6. Perhaps, we are to live in the reassurance that His desire is to bless those that are childlike, serving others and continually looking Over There for more opportunities.   
Much Love,
Pastor Singleton

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