Friday, September 14, 2012

Hitting Rock Bottom

Hitting Rock Bottom a term associated with alcohol and drug addicts refers to the moment the addict becomes conscious. Hitting Rock Bottom implies an addict at their lowest low of addictive behavior experiences an awakening prompting a journey from harmful practices toward a quest for wholeness. Yet, Hitting Rock Bottom should not remain limited to addicts but expanded to include all people because in truth we all need an emergent consciousness signaling our search for and understanding of a Higher Being.

Limiting Rock Bottom to addicts overlooks the fact many of us are users: we use things, we use careers, we use people, we use relationships, we use substances, we use. . .consequently we all must Hit Rock Bottom.  Hitting Rock Bottom provides us a ground-zero, presenting the opportunity for renewal, repentance and recovery of what is lost.

Usually negatively connoted Hitting Rock Bottom serves as a signpost of hope.

Hitting Rock Bottom removes the blinders covering our hedonism, idolatry and sinfulness. Until we hit rock bottom we continue in our arrogance; suffering from self-deception as we deny our fulfillment through dependence on God alone. The more we deny God, the less we experience or become like God.

Until one hits rock bottom their habit consumes them; wanting more of it, unwittingly acquiring less peace, less power, less purpose they become fragmented, a distortion of the person God created. It’s not just the addict who is guilty of wanting more; remember the destination for all of us is Hitting Rock Bottom!

What or who have you chosen over Jesus; leaving you with feelings of
 powerlessness, insecurity, loneliness, unworthiness, shame, etc.?

The Good News is in Hitting Rock Bottom, in that void is discovery, discovering the absence of our reliance on a God that precisely promises:

“Look, I am making everything new!”
Revelation 21:5

Rock bottom becomes the door of possibility, an entrance into hope. Rock bottom becomes the foundation, a building block toward wholeness.  Rock bottom becomes the compass, pointing us to the Ultimate North Star – “Thou who has bought us thus far on the way”.

Hitting Rock Bottom we can find healing, wholeness, hope and new life. Through Jesus we can overcome every disappointment, rejection, shame, failure, sense of abandonment, etc. Just as God promises to make everything new, He also promises “His will to be done on earth as it is heaven”. As we Hit Rock Bottom trusting in Jesus, we experience earthly and eternal recovery:

“He will wipe every tear from our eyes,
and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
All these things are gone forever.”
Revelation 21:4

My prayer is that we Hit Rock Bottom and live a life fully depending on Jesus alone!

Much Love,
Pastor Singleton


  1. Thank you Pastor Singleton and Thanks Lena for sharing this most needed revelation! I AM at Rock Bottom, Emotionally, Physically, Financially but not Spiritually! Yes it does take you to Hit Rock Bottom for one to realize that everything is done by God for a reason! He wants us to know that He has control and to lean not on our own understanding! Yes we are "users" in that we use someone or something to get us through our rough times but, I must tell you that "God is our Refuge" and just Be Still! (Psalms 46) whatever our addictions may be, He and His Word will always bring us through! Be Blessed

  2. Hi Blessed Butterfly:
    Thanks for sharing your testimony, it's amazing what God brings us through and amazing the strength we gain as we trust in Jesus. Keep the Faith Sis.
