Friday, July 20, 2018

News Alert: The American Stupor

Drinking from the top shelf of power, politicians drunkenly violate the American people while tempting the Constitution in hopes of (re)election and greater power gains.   

Lord Acton warns us "that a person's sense of morality lessens as her or his power increases." Clearly, our politicians have hit rock bottom.  We the People must vote, not in allegiance to a particular party, but in deference to and with hopes of making America's ideals Her reality. 

Our brash tribalism is a direct threat to the freedom we claim to value.
America should be on alert!!

She is shrinking from the struggle and the pursuit of a "more perfect union".  The ideal of freedom and justice for ALL continues to narrow. Wake up, the stony road on which we trod is widening! Embracing similar agendas – capitalists, politicians and religious leaders divide and devour ALL, protecting only those drunk from the wine of the world they're creating.  

America, head first, journeys toward another Civil War.  Paralyzed by immorality and clinging to power, those in higher(ed) places are annihilating freedom and anyone who dares pursue freedom for ALL. 

Until we lift every voice and resist – bitter will be the chastening rod!

AMERICA, who is the god in whom we trust? 


Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Toward A More Perfect Union: Patriotism the Cracking of America

America continues in a downward spiral, succumbing to and whirling in Her own defecation while intently shunning the ideals which could make Her great - thereby threatening Her common defence, Her general welfare and the Blessings of Liberty under which She was established. 

The America in which we live mocks the idea of patriotism. Patriotism has become a mere phrase, a talking point absent of teeth, far removed from its intended meaning. 

When men and women take a stand against injustice, for instance "taking a knee" in protest against police brutality, they are acting in accord with the highest ideals of America by exposing that we America(ns) have much work before us if we are to achieve "a more perfect union". 

How can America hold Her ideals high before Her citizens or the world when protesters abiding by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution - which guarantees the freedom of speech, the right to peaceably assemble, and the right to petition the government to redress grievances are vilified, fired from their jobs, shamed, told to leave the country, labeled unpatriotic, etc.?

YET, the president of the United States can call protesters, those living into the democratic principles of America, sons of b_ _ _ _ _ _ ! Then on a world stage announce that he rejects the findings, of the United States intelligence agencies, that Russia interfered in the 2016 United Sates of America's elections. With his objection to the report, based on the assurance from the Russian president - his country did not tamper with the U.S. elections. 

Is the president unAmerican for standing against America's intelligence agencies 
and standing with an enemy of the state? 

The president's actions begs the question, what is patriotism? Does the president of the United States of America exalting and defending Russia, a declared enemy of the United States and the world, above the national security of America and Americans, qualify as patriotism? 

Unfortunately patriot-patriotism has become merely a word 
signifying one's ascription to a particular tribe within American politics. 

How does a sitting president side with a long standing adversary of The United States of America and true patriots remain  silent? Where is the outrage from the patriots who vehemently characterized those "taking a knee"  as unAmerican?

I'm confused, the greatness of America lies within Her ideals and the pursuit of a more perfect union. Somehow Americans have decided to pledge their allegiance to a political party (Democrat or Republican); hence,  weakening our country and the Constitution from which these parties were formed. If America(ns) doesn't awaken from Her slumber she will soon find Herself toppled and plundered like every dynasty before Her. 

If America is ever to attain greatness, our trust must not remain solely with politicians, as they are apt to cling to power, often at the expense of their constituents and certainly against portions of the "All" pursuing unalienable Rights...

Thus, the future of American ideals rests with "We the People". 

Here is the good news...America is malleable! Her citizens must hold Her imperfections and potential in tension like clay, kneading Her into the Nation which makes possible the attainment of Life, Liberty, the pursuit of Happiness and the equal treatment for ALL

While the president of America continually praises well known enemies of the United States and embraces the leaders and  ideals of totalitarianism, "We the People" mustn't cease - Voting, Protesting, Resisting and Holding Every Leader Accountable - for the betterment of America not the Democratic or Republican Party. 

These are American values which can make Her great!!!

In short, "We the People" must unify and openly conspire to guide America "toward a more perfect union"!

Inspired By Love,
Pastor Marcus