The below is an article in memory of Chick-fil-A Founder,
Truett Cathy, written by Mark Miller, Chick-fil-A Director of Leadership
Development, titled: Why Not Your Best?
One of my favorites is a story Truett first told in
1978 …
After graduating from the Naval Academy, Jimmy Carter was interviewing
with Hyman Rickover for a position on the newly formed team charged with
developing nuclear submarines. During their meeting, Carter was asked about his
academic accomplishments. The future president proudly shared he had graduated
in the top 10% of his class.
After hearing this, Rickover asked a single question, “Did you always
give your best?” Carter,
bound by his personal integrity, told him, “No, sir. Not at all times.” Rickover’s
response, “Why not?”
With that question, the future admiral and father of the modern Navy
stood and left the room leaving Carter alone with his thoughts.
Throughout his life, Truett retold this story and asked our entire
“Why not…
why not your best?”
Every time I heard him ask this question, it was a reminder that to
reach our full, God-given potential, we must give our best. Truett had the
moral authority to ask us this question based on the example he set and the
life he lived. For his challenge and example, I am forever grateful.
Some might say, “I don’t know where I’d be if
I hadn’t met Truett Cathy.” My response, “I don’t know who I’d
be had I not met him.” He marked me and changed the trajectory of my life. He
always inspired me to give my best.
How about you? If Truett were here, he’d ask you… “Why not your best?””
I encourage you, every day to ask yourself, “Am I
giving my best?” (Spiritually, Relationally – to my Family, Friends &
Self, Career, Financially, Serving Others, etc.) If the answer is, “No, Not at all times.” Ask yourself, “Why
not my best?” And move toward giving your best.
Giving our best is transformative, doing so:
Develops and deepens our faith(fulness) to Jesus
Strengthens our character
Inspires and draws the best out of others
Prepares us for and leads us toward success
Colossians 3:23–24 reminds us why we are always to give our best? To
Glorify God!
no matter what your task is, work hard. Always do your best as
the Lord’s servant,
as man’s,
because you know your reward is the Lord’s
serve the Lord, the Anointed One.”
Pastor Marcus J. Singleton