Friday, February 20, 2015

Empty Yourself!

As we enter this season of Lent, a time of preparation through fasting, repentance, reflection, and drawing nearer to and becoming more like Jesus the Christ – let us do so with total surrender.

Think of Jesus, in preparing to descend from the heavenly comforts of perpetual peace to enter this earthly world and live amid constant chaos. 

Jesus makes a conscious choice to look the part because walking on earth he would be both fully human and fully divine. Philippians 2:6-7, reminds us that Jesus intentionally purges himself “….though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.”

In striving to become more like Christ, ours is a heavenward ascension, if we are to live and look the part of Christians, we need to become proficient in emptying and separating ourselves from sin and earthly (creature) comforts. Lent is a time of intentionality and focus whereby we (re)commit to practice, embrace and develop the disciplines which strengthen our likeness to Jesus. 

Emptying ourselves will be different for each of us but the purpose
 of sacrifice and surrender is the same. 

While we can't earn our salvation or relationship with God through any deeds, we can deepen and strengthen our relationship with God by emptying ourselves through fasting, praying, repentance, worship, studying scripture, serving others, stewardship and holy communion. Through these acts of emptying ourselves God continues to shape and mold us in his likeness. 

Have you ever tried to cut a child’s hair who is distracted and bent on constant movement? The result is hair with crooked lines, chunks of missing hair, uneven hair and a sense of recklessness. When we refuse to empty ourselves, our spiritual lives become like this child’s hair – crooked, chunks missing, uneven and reckless.

During this season of Lent, may we make our goal to be more like Jesus, if so, "you and I must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had”, we must empty ourselves and humble ourselves before God and allow God to refill and fashion us according to His divine purpose and will.  

When we choose to empty ourselves, we communicate to God
our willingness to sit still in complete surrender.

Will you slow down and take the time to fast, pray, repent, worship, study scripture, serve others, receive Holy Communion, practice good stewardship - and experience how God shapes you in His likeness?

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton

Friday, February 13, 2015


With almost two full weeks of hindsight, I can clearly acknowledge my own hypocrisy, perhaps you will too?

Every football fan or casual observer witnessing the most egregious play in Super Bowl history probably WOL (Wondered Out Loud), thought – WTF (What The Football), or simply incredulously sighed, Why?

Why would the Seattle Seahawks throw the football from the 1 yard line when they have a running back – nicknamed BEAST MODE – known for breaking tackles and making big plays? I watched in disbelief as the Seahawks failed to rely on their most potent weapon during the most critical moment of the NFL's most important game!

The biggest play of the game, the biggest decision for your team…doesn’t it make sense to give the ball to your biggest play maker, the one who literally carried you to this big moment, the one who is built for big runs, the one who’s nickname BEAST MODE implies that he can carry the ball and defenders with him for at least 1 yard to give you the game winning touchdown on pro football’s biggest stage?

Yes, it does, but Seattle chose to throw the football 1 yard and the opposing team
intercepted the ball and defeated them to earn the title of Champions!

After working through my fan disbelief, I realized the hypocrisy of my criticism of the Seahawks.  As a follower of Jesus Christ, I (you) have a spiritual BEAST MODE who can really accomplish great feats not only on earth but on earth as it is heaven. In other words, I (you) have access to Jesus who can carry me (you) through, over, around, under and above all of my (your) life’s biggest moments even the small ones.

Yet, like the Seahawks, how often have I chosen other options?

The Seahawks overlooked their best asset on one play. In reflecting on my own life past and present, I confess there are numerous situations in which I’ve opted to risk throwing opportunities away; instead of, trusting in the surefootedness of running with Jesus, my Spiritual Beast Mode!

The biggest stage of football occurs only once a year. But, every day while we are among the living, our lives are a big stage and we have the option of handing our circumstances (big and small) to Jesus, our SPIRITUAL BEAST MODE and trusting Him to carry us toward becoming Champions of the Faith. 

Instead of being hypocrites and criticizing the choices of others, may we with every decision choose to run with Jesus, our BEAST MODE, chanting and believing:

Now to God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we could ever ask or imagine through the power at work in us, to Him be glory in the church and in Jesus Christ through all generations forever and ever. Amen! 
Ephesians 3:20-21

When we trust in Jesus – the Truest BEAST MODE, we can live with no regrets!!

Pastor Marcus J. Singleton