Friday, September 26, 2014

"Shoulds vs. Shouldn'ts!"

The next time you: think about your job/career, assess your relationships, look in the mirror, observe your children and other aspects of your life – accept and celebrate whatever you observe. Why? You are the creator of the results you behold! At various times in my life I do this but I am not always pleased with my results.

For instance, I have had jobs I dreaded, strained and difficult relationships, wondered who the mirror was reflecting, squandered money and resources, etc. Yet, these were my results which I had to live with.

Recently after a morning workout, I realized why I produce these unpleasing outcomes.
One word shouldn’t!

Standing on the scale, peering down at the number and witnessing the appearance of calf muscles which heretofore had gone missing, filled me with inspiration. Suddenly an epiphany rolled across my mental screen – Why did you ever stop exercising? Answer: The shouldn’ts had become my priority. I shouldn’t overeat. I shouldn’t avoid exercise. I shouldn’t eat unhealthy foods. I shouldn’t gain weight. I realized the shouldn’ts had been robbing me of my physical, emotional and spiritual fitness. 

I had given control to the shouldn’ts even though they were out of alignment with what I said I wanted for myself. . .loss of weight, healthy medical report and a positive body image.  

Standing on that scale I decided to maintain commitment to the shoulds. I should exercise for 30-45 minutes at least 3 days a week, I should eat healthy food, I should lose weight, I should sleep 6-8 hours.

Achievement of our goals will be determined by our choices: Shouldn’t vs. Should!

None of us want:  unhealthy relationships, to be overweight, miserable jobs, spiritual or financial brokenness but sometimes this is where we find ourselves.  When this becomes our status, we only need to look at our results and begin to make adjustments. No need to point fingers or complain. Just realize we have made the shouldn’ts our focus.

Decide right now that you will attain your goals and dreams!  Make a list of the shoulds your goals and dreams require and a list of the shouldn’ts that detour you from those goals and dreams. Now develop a singular focus on the shoulds! You will begin experiencing incremental changes in your outcomes – maybe you’ll find a job that inspires you, perhaps you will begin developing relationships with depth, you might find enjoyment in exercising, you may discover the security that comes with saving money and generosity. 

Your choice of shouldn’ts or shoulds will determine the levels of joy and peace you will bring into your life and the lives of others.

Pastor Marcus 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Change Your Perspective!!

Change your perspective! Sometimes we become so preoccupied with our troubles and problems that we perceive them as insurmountable. In those moments, we give more power to the problems which limits and distorts our awareness of and access to possible solutions. Problems are real but it's our perspective that will determine if we will succumb to or overcome them.

Take time to elevate your thoughts before trying to engage your problems. 

Perhaps your troubles/problems aren't worthy of the amount of attention you are giving them or require a different approach in addressing them. Your perspective is critical to achieving the best solution.

An eagle’s perspective while soaring high in the sky is vastly different
from a chicken nervously pecking at the dirt.

Think about an eagle, it pounces prey from a position of clarity, zooming down from the sky using its keen eyesight and sharp talons to disable and defeat its prey. Now consider your own troubles/problems, what gifts, skills, actions or resources are you overlooking that can enable you to disable and defeat your current situation?

Without a change in perspective, you can expect your problems to persist!
Reminder: You weren't created to nervously peck at life like a chicken.
Perspective: God has given you skills, power, authority, relationships and creativity. 

Pastor Marcus